An Elephant Outrage
Day 1 Pregnant Elephant, let's name her Vinayaki was searching for food in a town(un-named for now) close to the jungle. She found pineapple and being extremely hungry, decided to eat it without a second thought. To her surprise found it to be laden with explosives. She was totally taken aback by this sudden malice. The explosives burst into her mouth and trunk leaving deleterious effect. An injury that left a mark not only on her body but something within her broke. Her spirit. Day 2:Vinayaki was restless. She could not eat anything nor drink water. She entered a lake to relieve the pain which was becoming unbearable. Meanwhile, the locals noticed her and contacted the forest department. Day 3: The forest department visited and in a vain attempt tried to save her. They were unable to even provide her a little comfort during the last few moments of her life due to a lack of resources. Vinaya died as her jaw was broken and she could not even drink water. She die...